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I Don’t Have a Religion

You’re in a conversation about faith, and someone says to you, “You can believe whatever you want, but I’m not religious.” What would you say? When people say they aren’t religious, some mean that they don’t believe in God. For others it means they aren’t part of an organized religious community. But does this mean

Do You Have to Choose Between Science and Religion?

You’re talking about faith with someone and they tell you they don’t believe in God because they believe in science. They say that you have to choose? What would you say? There are those who believe that science and religion are in conflict and that someone must choose whether they want to believe in science

Is Atheism More Rational than Belief in God?

Is Atheism more rational than belief in God? What would you say? In this video on apologetics, Joseph Backholm presents us with three reasons why belief in God is more rational than Atheism. 1. Atheism requires us to believe that something came from nothing. 2. Atheism requires us to believe that life came from non-life.

There’s No Evidence God Exists

In a conversation about faith with a skeptic, they may say, “I can’t make myself believe something if there’s no evidence, and there’s no evidence God exists.” What would you say?

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